He's a pretty good Hailey story for the week:
Two things to be reminded of first, though.
#1- Hailey is kind of a high-strung girl. In fact, it would be a much truer statement if I replaced the "kind of" with very. Most of you are acutely aware of this and have seen the benefits and fallout of this trait, but it's always a good reminder to know that dealing with Hailey can be like dealing with an atomic weapon on some days.
#2- We are new Wii owners. Instead of receiving gifts for Holidays these past couple of years, John has only asked for gift cards to Best Buy. Finally after collecting a deck of these cards, John was well over the going price for a Wii. We went to Best Buy for Valentine's Day and as luck would have it, they had ONE in stock. So Happy Birthday Merry Christmas Happy Birthday Merry Christmas Happy Valentines Day, John.
Hailey and I were taking a test run of Wii sports and playing a round of golf together. I'm not a golf pro in any respect, but as we were finishing up the first hole I suggested that Hailey, who was on the edge of the green, switch to a putter instead of the wedge. She totallly disregarded my advice and continued to hit with the wedge, and was getting farther and farther from the hole. I could tell Hailey was starting arm up her Missiles of Frustration and Wrath as she began to grunt and convulse, but kept on with her blitz with the wedge.
After several more strokes, the "Give Up" screen popped up, which basically says "We're just going to put you out of your misery and give you ten strokes for your score because you don't really have a chance of getting the ball in the hole." Hailey stared at the screen and sounded out G-I-V-E U-P, and asked incredulously "What does that mean? Can't I finish my turn?" When I told her no, the escalation started. Convulsions started in her body, her face was turning red and words were quickly failing her.
"Wh-Why Whywhy why whywhywhy whwhy WWWHHHYYY would the Wii people DOOO that?!" She was completely miffed why those Wii people would be mean enough to not let her finish her turn. Cutting a turn short just doesn't jive with Hailey's universal view of Justice, especially when it's her turn.
And I was looking for cover for the imminent explosion.
Her face contorted with hurt, confusion, and rage, and then without warning changed to understanding and sympathy.
"Oh, they must not know Jesus."
Because anyone who designs a game that forces a player to "give up" after 15 strokes must not know Jesus.
So disaster averted, but now she thinks we have some missionary work to do. That will be interesting.