Due Date: October 7
How far along: Almost 17 weeks
How far along I look: About 25 weeks or 17 weeks with twins, maybe.
Girl or Boy?: We don't know. We'll find out in a few weeks.
Gender Preference?: There are pro and cons to either. We have everything we need for a girl. But a boy would be fun, too. John says he doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl, but I guarantee there will be some yipping and hollering in the ultrasound room if they find a boy.
Predictions?: I don't have any spiritual premonitions about things like this, but, if you will check the 12 week ultrasound posted previously. . .
Cravings: Mostly a lot like I was with Hailey. Pure sugar. I've tried to keep it under control this time instead of downing bulk bags of smarties (and failing my diabetes test with flying colors). I try to feed my sugar cravings with things like Cookie Crisp and Smacks and any other seriously sugar packed, but also vitamin fortified cereal. Compromise, right?
Also, one night I had a strong strong craving for deviled eggs. I spent probably 45 minutes making myself a batch of them, but got distracted and doubled the salt on accident. Maybe tripled. Hailey's on a "trying new foods" kick, and asked if she could have one. I had not tried one yet, and we have a rule that if you eat something, you need to finish it, so she gagged it down in front of an unsympathetic mother. John came home and tried the deviled eggs too, and spit it right out, which is unusual for his politeness meter. I finally sampled my own cooking, and had to throw the rest away. On the plus side, I don't crave deviled eggs anymore.
And the ever-asked "How are you feeling?": fine. good. good enough, I guess. can't complain. except when I do. like about the headaches and the leg pain accompanied by the growing varicose veins and the (unfounded) middle-of-the-night paranoia over blood clots and the heartburn and the fatigue and the early beginnings of sciatica.
But really, I'm fine.
Are the girls excited?: You betcha. Nora likes yelling at my tummy "Hey BABY! You in there BABYYY? HEY BABY! Are you a BOY ONE OR A GIRL ONE?" Very endearing. Hailey of course is making plans on how she is going to be the best big sister ever, and I almost conned her into learning how to change diapers. Almost.