Monday, June 6, 2011

This winter we. . .

. . .experienced record-breaking snowfall in Connecticut. After a year of record-breaking snowfall in Ohio. And a year of record-breaking snowfall in Wisconsin. sheesh. It follows us.

. . . enjoyed the mountains [of snow] outside our house.

. . . got suited up for the weather often.

. . .tried (sometimes unsuccessfully) to dig out.

(that's a mailbox.)

. . .had a romantic Valentine's Day dinner. Just John and me- and our three closest friends.

. . .repeatedly fell in (and out) of love with him.

. . . pretended it was warm enough outside to play.

. . .were always entertained by this girl.

. . . looked for "hide-outs"

that didn't always work out.

. . . had one special sleepover.

. . . raced down our long driveway

and back up again.

. . . ate lots of fruit. not very noteworthy, but cute photo.

. . . attended a diva/hollywood birthday party.

. . . waited and waited for spring to arrive. And it finally did.


T & E's Blog said...

Ugh...that makes me very glad for summer...even though it's sooooooooo hot here!

Shalet said...

Sooooo nice to know you're out there...your kiddos are sure cute!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Love the pics of your place. It's nice to be able to picture where you are :)

Someday we will visit!

RaQuelle said...

sounds like a great winder minus the snow following you, ugh.
ps that party looks so fun!