Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Body Worlds

There is no better way to celebrate St. Patricks Day than to study the inside of the body. And make green cookies. We took our family (at Hailey's incessant pleading) to see Body Worlds down at the public museum. I really was impressed at how excited Hailey was about it and how much information she absorbed. She received a book about the body for her birthday and has asked a never-ending sequence of questions ever since. There were glass cases that had organs displayed in them and Hailey knew the names of every single one! (Except for the liver; that one stumped her.) What made it worth it to me was to see the nerves of the back and legs exposed and labeled. I was able to see where the sciatic nerve branched off from the spine and where each individual nerve led down the leg, and all the damage and bother caused by that silly epidural made a lot more sense. Fun day.

Here's the dissected horse. It was Hailey's favorite.

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