Monday, August 25, 2008

Canadian/African Lion Safari

Our next stop was the African Lion Safari in Canada. It is an animal reserve that you drive your own car through.

Each girl got to choose a special treat for us to buy them. Nora chose a stuffed duck that she wouldn't let go of at the Niagara Falls gift shop. After careful consideration, Hailey decided she wanted to have Nora and her face painted as Cheetahs. They were undeniably cute.

This ostrich will be a part of Nora's nightmares for a long time.

Baboons jumping on the car next to us. This was the best part for me, because the owner of the car was so mad, he was yelling at the baboons, and got out of his car to try to get them off. Comical.

I totally ruined Nora for her carseat by doing this.

Eleven elegant elephants. . .

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