Monday, August 25, 2008

A Word about Kozy Kabins.

We decided to save a bit of money on this trip and stay half of our nights at KOA Kabins. When we first pulled in a ten and night, and dealt with the mosquitoes outside, and the LOUD frogs, and when we saw how tiny they were, and when we realized how much space it took to bring all our own bedding, and when we spent half an hour to make up our hard beds, we wondered if we made the right choice.

But the cabins won us over and this is why:

They're pretty cute.

They have a porch swing.

The areas we stayed in were very pretty.

We actually all got a pretty good night's sleep.

There were so many activities for two girls who had been stuck in a car all day- playground, fishing pond, bikes to rent, obstacle course, zip line, tree house, swimming pool. . .

We haven't been camping yet this summer, and it was nice to grill our dinner, sit by the fire, and make s'mores.

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