Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Charlie's Room (If only he regularly slept here.)


So I had to make new crib bedding because we were having a boy. I was forbidden to spend a fortune on fabric, and since we live NOWHERE NEAR a nice fabric store, I made Charlie's quilt out of all my scrap fabrics from abandoned sewing projects. (It's a little embarrassing I have that many unfinished projects.)


Here's the quilt.


I also had a limited budget for wall art. So I printed out old maps I found on the internet. There is a map for each place we have lived since we were married. This is my favorite part of the room. It's fun to look at our long and winding road we've been on. We'll be needing to add one more soon. . .


And the Monkey is from Sam's Club.


Pam Emmons said...

You are so creative.

abby o said...

OK sorry but I might be copying that map idea. Well, actually I WILL be copying the map idea unless my extreme laziness continues. LOVE it. And nice work on the quilt.

Melina said...

I want to steal your quilt.

Sarah said...

your creativity amazes me. It's fabulous!

Larissa said...

Wow, looks great, Jenni!

Unknown said...

I LOVE it! I wish I'd had such great ideas and energy when my babies were little, LOL.
I'm slightly obsessed with sock monkeys. I think they're so adorable! And they're easy to make too! I've made LOTS of them. In fact, one of Kate's stand-by requests is to make a sock monkey with me. I let her make one a year or so ago and she's never let me forget it, LOL.

Miriam said...

I am in love with that quilt. I'm going to steal that quilt idea and give it a try. I'm amazed you had so much cute fabric on hand. That never happens to me. so darling!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Jenni! It's been way too long.
-Since you've updated your blog:)
-And since we've talked.
I love the new posts. I love the recap of your President Monson story. I love and miss Nora.
I love the quilt you made. And I love the map idea too and unlike Abby, I know MY extreme laziness will continue and nothing creative will be emerging anytime soon. Which is a bummer because I actually bought material to make a baby quilt for my forthcoming daughter AND I now even own a sewing machine. Sigh. Like I said, it's been too long since we talked. Let's chat soon.
P.S. Are you just so excited for LOST? It won't be nearly the same without you guys but we sure are excited.

adriennep said...

Rad quilt! Love the map idea!

Shalet said...

I LOVE the map idea....thanks for sharing. although we haven't lived many different places, we've been to some memorable ones...thanks. thanks.