Friday, May 16, 2008

Lots and lots and lots of quilts

Our stake had a goal to make 200 crib quilts for the LDS humanitarian center. I spent a few full days cutting and ironing and sewing. This is my little contribution of four. I have previously wondered about the efficiency of the church's humanitarian program and why the choose to have members hand make quilts, toys, and clothes when they could easily employ workers to run machinery and and whip out this stuff for half the price and one tenth the trouble. Why don't they buy 200,000 notebooks and pens and put them in plastic bags instead of asking individual wards to make school kits with hand-sewn bags?

I didn't get it until this project. Humanitarian services is not only for those who are helped. It changes the hearts of those who help. You can't spend hours and hours on a quilt without thinking who that quilt is going to.Hailey and Nora enjoying the masterpieces.The bulk of the quilts from our ward.Hailey requested I put this picture in because we were both working on "projects." She was building a castle throne room (the throne is in red) and I was working on my quilts.

Here are most of the quilts being displayed at our stake center for women's conference. Both of the side pews are filled as well as a few more back rows.

1 comment:

Meija said...

That is amazing. Look at all that time and effort. Holy moly.