Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unexpected beach day

Yesterday we went to play group at the park about five minutes away from us next to the lake. The park usually has a large sand pit, two sets of swings, and a playground area; yesterday it had a playground area and three large ponds of yucky water where the swings and sand used to be. All this water was too much of a temptation for Nora. Her magnetic radar that searches for mud and wet things was overloaded and within five minutes (Carolyn thinks less than five) she had dodged my tactical maneuvers and jumped right into the nasty pool that used to be the sandbox.

My options at this point were to take The Perpetrators home and eat our packed lunch on the sidewalk or strip Nora naked and walk down to the beach where the water was colder (deterrent to get in) and cleaner (peace of mind if she did). I'm glad we chose the latter choice. We had a lot of fun.

Summer can be such a struggle, especially one this wet. It's the time of muddy ruined clothes, two or three baths a day, sandy sheets, and perpetually washing and changing dirty dirty children. The thing that makes it worth it is that when I tuck Hailey into bed at night (Nora already worn out and zonked in her crib) she sighs, "Mom thanks for letting me [insert 'splash in the puddles,' 'play in the mud,' 'swim in the lake' here]. It was the most wonderful day. You are the best mom EVER!"

She's pretty gratuitous with her compliments, but it still makes me think there's a reason I'm doing laundry for the third time this week.


Laurie said...

What fun! (Except for all the laundry...) You make me wish the distance to Klode (and a currently empty gas tank!) hadn't been a deterrent for me yesterday! Oh well, Avery enjoyed helping make chocolate chip cookies instead. Besides, if we had gone to playgroup, I couldn't have brought cookies to book club and I couldn't think of anything else! :)

Meija said...

Interesting perspective. Here in AZ, we would love to have soggy, wet summers...dream come true for us. I adore the pic of Nora along the waters edge, bum facing us, arms out. You truly capture the beauty/spirit of your girls.

T & E's Blog said...

How fun!!!! Great pictures and great memories!

Roxy said...

hey jenni, i love all of your pictures. you are very good at capturing the little moments. i finally started a blog, it's kinda a sad start but i'm going to try to stick with it. i was wondering how you get the borders on your pictures. let me know if you get a sec.