Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Senior Ball: We actually had a good time.

Last Friday we went to Sr. Ball, and the really cool thing about Sr. Ball is that John is a Senior = only three more months of school. (Go ahead, cheer at your computer screen for John. Yea!) But there are some down sides to our dental school years winding up. We'll miss the friends we've made here, and Senior Ball was just another reminder of how much missing that will be.

The Ball was held at the extremely fancy Pfister Hotel (i.e. they had men with gloves call the elevators for you) and the food and live music were great. Here's a few photos of our great night.

Here we are.

The Girls.

The Guys.

Enjoying dessert and the jazz band and each other.

Table 23.

My awesome vintage jacket. (Before we left.)

Scary up-the-nose shot of us outside the hotel.

And here's a little gem for you dental school wives. Your husbands dancing to "Baby Got Back."

100% Sober from Jenni G on Vimeo.


Pam Emmons said...

You girls all look beautiful! I remember how much fun we had at ours! Your dress is awesome.

Amy and the boys said...

awesome! i will never forget todd being spanked. good times, good times.

T & E's Blog said...

Oh my gosh! Hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I was laughing so hard at the request list by Hailey. She is so great, what a great imagination she has and it just goes to show how intelligent she is.

I loved your pictures of the ball. And especially your video 100% sober. I remember ours and it was a little surreal seeing all of the future dentists dancing to that music. Really brought it home. I'll never forget the senior ball and maybe because I never in a million years expected my own husband to do the hustle and hurt his back dancing just like Vanilla Ice to "Ice Ice Baby". Of course he was able to finish the dance, his back didn't hurt until the next morning. LOVED your post!!!