Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hailey Shorts


Hailey loves watching nature shows on PBS. Her recent favorite was a show on cuttlefish. (I found it interesting too.) PBS is where she learned the terms "predator" and "prey." She has incorporated the "predator/prey" concept in her outdoor play with her friends.

The Only thing is she believes the word "predator" is actually "CREDITOR," and has taught all her friends her version of the term. Right now I am hearing several little kids screaming outside and yelling "RUN AWAY FROM THE CREDITOR!! RUN AWAY FROM THE CREDITOR!"


Another unfortunate mispronunciation:

Hailey and Nora have been learning about the planets. One of the most recent things we have learned about is the difference between rocky and gaseous planets. Except, when Hailey says the word "gaseous," she replaces the last "s" with a "t" and runs around the house yelling a very profane sounding word.


Just so you know, this next one is specifically about underwear.

I think most are aware of how particular Hailey is about her clothes. The other day Hailey was complaining that her underwear was too too tight. So I wrote underpants on my shopping list and on my next trip to target picked some up. Hailey, as you will remember as well, is above the curve for her height and growth, and when I looked for some Dora or My Little Pony or Disney Princess underwear, I realized that

I tried to convince myself that this would not be a big deal and picked for her instead some bright solid and stripey ones and went on my way.

Of course this was a big deal, and I heard crying and complaining coming from her bedroom after she got out of the tub and discovered the unadorned pants, and then silence. She finally came into the living room fully dressed and happy, and I thought that was the end of it. Until a few days later when I was doing the wash and found:


She had gotten out my colored sharpies, and drawn a picture on each one of her pairs of plain underpants.


She has developed a huge phobia of bees ever since John ran over a bees' nest with a lawn mower and she got stung. Poor girl.



Melina said...

I LOVE the underpants story. Way to go, Hailey! They were much prettier even than Dora underwear (in my opinion).

Roxy said...

oh my gosh jenni! i can not believe that she did that to her underwear. she is awesome!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Hailey IS pretty awesome. The other day Carter was telling me he was doing something (can't remember now what it was) because Hailey does it.

Mandie said...

Okay, laughed out loud at a few of those. We sure miss you Hailey!!

Sessions said...

I love what she did to her underwear and that she worked through it herself those are some great problem solving skills. We Sure miss you guys thanks for the updates.

Lindsey said...

i've spent all of the girls' tv time reading through your blog; love your pictures. this panty thing is just hillarious!!! that is definitely one to remember for boyfriend days!!!