Friday, September 18, 2009

Long-awaited house tour

FINALLY! Here's a little look at our home.


Living room. Complete with new cheap artwork from photos taken in San Diego.


The resurrected red couch and Ikea chair.


Dining room with new table and new (to us) chairs saved from the dumpster before we left Milwaukee. The beautiful flowers are from our neighbor's garden.


Typical 70's rambler kitchen.


Girls' room.


All the artwork in their room was supplied by Hailey's school class as a moving-away gift. I told her she could keep them up for the summer, but I don't think they'll get taken down until we move again. She loves them.


Our bedroom.


View from front porch.


AND the AWESOME backyard. There's also a swing set off to the left side.


Basement: used as toy room, sewing area, and TV watching place.


And last, but certainly not least, The Bar! Can you make out that stellar stucko work on the wall? BAR IS OPEN! That's right. That there is some quality craftsmanship.


Emily said...

Wow, your house looks great!

Roxy said...

awww! cute house!! your living room looks awesome. its fun to see what your little home looks like since i'll probably never see it in person. thanks again for all your help on the phone and putting up with my photography questions. your creativity really has always inspired me, so thanks!

Carolyn Hanson said...

Looks great, Jenni! It's so fun to see after picturing you only in our tiny GC homes.

Hope you're feeling good!

Melina said...

Lovely! I especially love the artwork in the living room.