Friday, April 4, 2008

Have you ever wondered what we bake around here?

Hailey ran into the bedroom where I was folding clothes and told me, "Mom, we need to grow some weed!"

"Wha?" Where did this come from? Did I really miss the boat on talking to Hailey about abusive substances before the age of five?

"We need to grow some weed. I saw some people on TV growing some really pretty plants called weed on TV. They were beautiful and I would like to grow some myself." Now I'm wondering what channel I left the TV on. I was pretty sure it was on PBS, but they are getting more liberal nowadays . . .

I asked her where she would like to grow the weed. "I would like to plant it on our front lawn. There is room out there, but I think the other kids might take it and use it before I do. Maybe I can grow it in my bedroom right by the window so it gets enough sun." Panic is setting in for me. There is already a demand in preschool. I need to be more careful about who Hailey talks to outside our apartment complex. I try stay casual and ask her, "What will you use it for?"

"Mom," Hailey says in an exasperated tone, "to make some bread. We need weed and water and salt to bake bread." (The punchline of this story is that Hailey thought "weed" was "wheat" --Signed, Master of the Obvious.)

So, if you ever receive a loaf of bread from us in the near future, you may want to check with Hailey about what ingredients are in it. You'll either enjoy the loaf a whole lot more or a whole lot less.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

That is a prety great story. Hailey is so animated. I love it.