Saturday, June 7, 2008

Dealing with some weather

Well, we had some meteorological fun today. It was the second day of tornado warnings in Milwaukee county, and this evening we were concerned enough to head downstairs for part of the evening. No worries, though. We brought down a few laptops, a couple of cameras, some sleeping bags, and snacks and had a party down in the laundry room. We emerged a little while later to an intact home and thankfully not too eventful storm. . .

(Anyone know what Hailey's "trophy" that she found downstairs is?)

But the evening wasn't over. John had to leave to help clean out someone's flooded basement, and while John was leaving, I was on the phone coordinating efforts for another flooded basement problem someone else was having. During this commotion, Hailey and Nora inched their way from the front door to the parking lot- which had turned into a giant lake- and jumped in! I yelled at them to get out, but yelling isn't very effective while you're reaching for you camera at the same time, and they stayed in and played for a while. Pretty crazy day.

One more note- underneath that lake it a fully-functioning sewer drain. It's not blocked, it just couldn't keep up with the water. That's how fast and how much rain fell. All told we've gotten almost EIGHT inches in the last two days!!


onnuh said...

Looks like a scary situation turned into a party Hailey will remember for awhile! I noticed your 72-hour kit in the photo. good job.

Mindy said...

What a crazy day! Hope the tornadoes keep missing you--sounds like the weather has been pretty bad. Yikes, can't believe that parking lot. So what did you do with the bong?

Jenni said...

We threw the bong back in the trash where she found it. She was a little crushed she couldn't keep it.

Meija said...

Holy Cow!! Are you kidding me? Does that happen often? Sheesh. On the plus side... neighborhood pool party!

Laurie said...

Seriously, I don't understand why my "no's" don't work when they're connected to a reach for the camera... :)